Naznin Akter
Naznin Akter received her Ph.D. (2022) and MS (2020) degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Department of ECE at Florida International University (FIU), where she worked at INSYST Integrated Nanosystems Research Lab. She is currently working as a Module Development Engineer for Intel Corporation. She is currently holding several leadership positions in IEEE. She is the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Photonics Society online newsroom. She is the Chair of IEEE Photonics Society Oregon Section chapter, Chair of IEEE Women-in-Engineering Oregon section AG, and Vice- Chair of the IEEE Young Professional Oregon section AG. She is the Student Activities Professional Coordinator, IEEE-USA Career & Professional Development Center (CPDC) committee, MGA member of IEEE Climate Change Program (CCIRCC) OU activity Subcommittee, R6 Experience specialist for IEEE YP Mentoring-Meet, and ExCom member of R6 IEEE Young Professionals. Apart from IEEE, she is the assistant VP of Marketing Communications at Project Management Institute Portland Chapter.